As well as being a technical process, graphic design is also a psychological one too.
Understanding how your mind works, and how you as an individual work through every given creative task can reduce stress and lead to better results.
Any designer that tells you that they feel creative 100% of the time is lying. As a profession, we are required to produce creative responses to each given brief, but this can be stressful, particularly if you’re not mentally tuned into having a ‘creative’ day.
Through experience, I’ve learnt the key is to not panic. The creativity will come. Learn to understand what works best for you. It might be a break, or simply switching to another ongoing job for a while.
Every job is a split between the creative aspects, and the so-called ‘donkey work’ (generally preparative work, setting up files, dropping text in, but not over-worrying about the final look). If it’s going to be a ‘donkey day’ then so be it.
Knowing your own mind increases faith in yourself and makes the design process flow smoothly.